A Mindful Mother’s Day

Here at Selah, we recognize the complexities this type of holiday can bring up. For some, Mother’s Day brings beautiful memories, celebration, and gratitude. For others, the holiday may bring anxiety, pain, or grief. Yet for many, it will be an intricate combination of these together and if that is your experience, you are not alone. 

On this holiday, we would also like to acknowledge:

  • those who desire to be mothers

  • those who have strained mother/child relationships 

  • those mourning the loss of a child

  • those mourning the loss of a mother

  • single mothers

  • adoptive mothers

  • foster mothers

We see you in the challenges and God does too.

Check in with yourself! Take some slow deep breaths. As you expand your breath, expand space for all feelings without judgement or labeling them as “good” or “bad”. Labeling feelings as “bad” puts our brains and bodies into a defensive position and often leads to increased anxiety. Take a moment to accept yourself as you are in the present. 

Looking for some healthy tips to cope with or process the feelings and emotions that arise this holiday? Here are a few ideas that may help:

  • Journal

  • Write a letter to the loved one who has died

  • Go for a walk (with your phone on silent)

  • Make a gratitude list

  • Lectio devina (spend time in scripture meditation)

  • Be around others who love and care for you 

  • Set your holiday schedule with intention to minimize overwhelm 

  • Spend time outdoors or in nature

  • Nourish your body with healthy nutrients

Let your therapist know how you are feeling about the upcoming holiday if you’d like a safe space to process. We are here to support you and are always praying for you.

Wishing you a mindful Mother’s Day.



(by: Kiah Enriquez, LCSW)


Wellness: Mind, Body, Soul